Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®)

We make financial and tax issues understandable for clients and their attorneys to facilitate the divorce process.

We work as an advocate for one member in the divorce or as a Collaborative neutral to provide an impartial viewpoint and work for all parties.

We identify financial documents needed for divorce and assist in gathering and scheduling the information.

We analyze expenses to determine future lifestyle needs and current spending patterns.

We analyze assets/liabilities to determine their allocation for an equitable result.

We review income tax returns to identify areas of concern, determine if all taxes have been filed and if outstanding liabilities exist that require consideration in the agreement.

We analyze retirement plans for division of future/current earnings and tax consequences of distributions.

We consider tax issues related to children, retirement distributions, and sale of marital home.

“When I realized I wanted a divorce one of my first calls was to Christine. As a CDFA she was able to talk to me about how a divorce would affect my finances and she helped me find a mediator in my area. She has always had my best interests at heart and really educated me on how so many things would need to be addressed before, during and after divorce.”

Grateful Client